Politics is the structured set of political activities that involve the distribution of societal status, land, or assets, or any form of power relationships between individuals, including the institution of political institutions or government. The field of political science is also known as social science, since it studies government and politics. Politics may be viewed from a personal viewpoint, where an individual wants his/her government to perform certain acts or perform certain functions. However, politics is also an institutional setting where governmental institutions are responsible for creating laws, determining who may not benefit from public policies, adjudicating disputes, and enforcing the laws to ensure that everyone gets a fair share of the pie. Politics has a long history that goes back to ancient Greek Greece when the institution of democracy was started.
In modern times, many scholars argue that politics is no longer a theoretical endeavor but an actuality that are prominent in everyday life. The political scientist Michael J. Loman believes that contemporary politics has been transformed from a “top-down” process to a “bottom-up” one as a result of increasing complexity and globalization. Politics, he adds, has become a participant in daily life since it is now integrated in many areas of American life. Politics is no longer the domain of elite institutions or of elite minds. Today, “there is a great deal of general interest in the world’s politics.”
Politics is the study of how politicians make decisions and the way that these decisions affect society as a whole. Politics may be viewed from three perspectives: the political scientists’ perspective, the public policy perspective, and the emotional perspective. Most American politicians say that they study politics because they want to understand how their decisions affect the country.
Some of the key activities of politics include deliberation, analysis, compromise, choice, and negotiation. Since politics pervades all aspects of American, organizational life, most executives are concerned that their decisions will have broad effects on the country. A key component of good decision-making involves understanding the interrelationship between various dimensions of politics. This involves analyzing, evaluating, and communicating to stakeholders on issues that affect the organization.
The study of politics is often viewed as an abstract scientific pursuit that ignores the emotional reality. However, political scientists have shown that humans react powerfully to specific types of political scenarios. Emotions such as fear and motivation are powerful motivating factors that shape human behavior. Thus, by studying the different dimensions of American politics, executives can better understand how their actions are affecting not only their own parties but also the broader interests of the country.
Learning about politics helps managers develop skills that will enable them to advance their careers and improve the welfare of the nation. The best executive education programs reinforce the critical thinking needed to recognize, analyze, and critique politics and other societal issues. These programs help students think critically and independently about complex issues. They also provide detailed descriptions of relevant research and examples of political systems throughout the world. As a result, graduates prepare for rewarding careers in government and in academia.