How To Prepare For A World Politics Major

How To Prepare For A World Politics Major

Global politics, sometimes called world politics, refers to both the field that studies the global political and economic patterns and the political organization that govern those patterns. At the heart of this field are the various processes of global political globalization in regard to questions of economic power. What makes globalization a complex and interesting phenomenon is the fact that it has the potential to affect all parts of the globe at the same time, with little or no barriers to its effects. It has also the potential to disrupt existing regional power structures and create new institutions that are able to cope with the new sociopolitical order.

World Politics

In light of such concerns, a comparative analysis of world politics requires an appreciation of its different components. The first component is political economy. It refers to the relationship between national economies and the other economies of the world. Political economy evaluates the extent to which the state will allow trade, finance, and technology transfers that are needed for the operation of a nation as a whole. It also evaluates the degree to which political systems allow for the protection of its domestic economy from foreign competition, and how those systems impact the nature and strength of national currencies. Political economy examines the extent to which international institutions are able to provide a framework through which nations can coordinate their economic policies, and it evaluates the strength of international cooperation as it relates to the creation and maintenance of peace and security.

The second component of world politics is the realm of diplomacy and the various international organizations that promote it. Much like the economic philosophy of the classical political science, international political science seeks to understand how political systems produce and manage the world as a unit. It is interested in how international organizations construe their own rules of conduct, the nature of diplomacy, and the relationship between international organizations and their political jurisdictions. Finally, it seeks to evaluate the effects that national and international laws have on the external environment. All of these components place great weight on the relationships that exist among nations and between the world itself.

One of the key courses required for a student to prepare him or herself for a career in world politics is Introduction to World Politics. This class serves to introduce prospective students to the various theories and concepts that are relevant to world politics and to prepare them for their future careers in international relations. The course should also prepare students for the foreign policy course that will be required of them once they opt to enter law school and to prepare them for the foreign policy coursework that they will need to complete to become a lawyer. One requirement of law school that students must meet is a foreign policy course. If a student cannot meet this requirement, then he or she should consider taking Introduction to World Politics.

Comparative Politics requires that students understand the ways in which world politics and international relations affect each other. International political economy and comparative political science interact with one another as both pursue their own particular agendas. Students will learn how world politics affects the day-to-day lives of ordinary people. The study of comparative politics will also help students to appreciate the difference between socialism and capitalism, between freedom and slavery, and between peace and war.

In order to understand the workings of world politics students should also be exposed to a wide variety of current world affairs. The best way to do this is by taking part in international politics research classes. A good class should introduce students to the key players in world politics and provide them with an introduction to the unique history of international relations. Such classes can be found at many community colleges and universities. Students should also be introduced to current world affairs. These can be found in many newspapers, magazines, and online sources.

Careers In Politics


Careers In Politics

Politics is basically the process of making decisions about societal issues, or the distribution of power in various forms of socio-economic organization, including a government or group decision-making. The major branch of sociology that studies government and politics is known as political science. Politics has a history much longer than any other subject and there is more than one type of politics. In the United States, we have major political parties, many different types of civic organizations, and many different representative offices. Each political party has a purpose and usually attempts to achieve an end, although most political parties are united on some common issues.

Elected officials are accountable to the voters for their political party decisions. Politicians seek the support of voters to become successful in their endeavors to be elected. Politicians choose their campaign consultants, fund raising agents, legislative assistants, and Cabinet members. They also select judges and members of various commissions which are required to perform certain functions as required by the political party.

The elected official must secure re-election every two years, unless the law otherwise allows for a different election cycle. After being re-elected, each politician has the opportunity to seek another term in office when the next session of the legislature is conducted. Elected officials can serve for either two terms or for a term which is held until the next general election. Elected official’s careers depend largely on the political party they support and their success in the political party.

A career in politics can be very diverse with a wide range of positions available. If you want to be elected to office then you first must establish yourself as an individual with enough credibility to be acceptable to the voters and the governing party. Once you are nominated for a political position then you will have to defeat other candidates to win the election. Winning an election to office is often a difficult and lengthy process that involves a great deal of research and preparation. The people who win office usually serve for just one term before being succeeded by another elected official.

There are many different careers in politics including being a journalist, writer, or political advisor. Becoming a journalist is very easy because most news outlets are always looking for people to write for them. Many people who enjoy writing elect to work in political campaign fields and try to influence public opinion with their reports and essays. Others work in the editorial section of newspapers and magazines, which is much more difficult because it requires a great deal of reporting skills.

Many writers are able to achieve a great deal of success within the business world by specializing in specific topics. journalism is a fine example of this, where political pundits work to inform the general public about current affairs. Other careers in politics include working in national and state government, working in private industry, working in the academic community, in the media, or in the nonprofit sector. Whatever type of politics you choose, it’s important to make sure that the area you are specializing in has plenty of prospects for job growth. Politics can be an exciting and rewarding career if you are willing to put in the time to learn the necessary skills.

World Politics and World Economics

World Politics

World Politics and World Economics

World Politics, also called world economics, refers to the field which studies the economic and political patterns of the world together. The interrelatedness of economics with other branches of science, law, politics and culture has made this subject an extremely important field of research. In the core of this field are the various processes of global political globalization in reference to issues of economic power. It also includes the interaction of world politics with geo-political issues like the Eurozone, Asia, and Latin America. It also makes clear the interrelationship of major political and socio-economic actors of the world.

Geopolitics is one of the most important fields of study of world economics and politics. It is characterized by the study of world political and economic development as a whole through time and space. This area studies the relationships among the major players in the world economy. For instance, it studies the relations between the United States and China, or between the European Union and Japan, or between the United States and Russia. This is coupled with socio-economic and demographic analysis to provide essential information on the interactions between the various countries and their people.

Economic globalization refers to the process of increasing the world share of income and decreasing the world share of output. This has been a major feature of world politics since the 1970s. Growth in world trade and liberalization have been crucial factors behind globalization. Political globalization has accompanied economic globalization in rapid growth of world markets for the products that are imported or domestically produced in various nations. These have been major drivers behind political stability in a number of nations across the world.

World Politics and world economics also have major connections with international institutions. They have shaped the rules of global economic governance and they continue to influence the design of political structures and the policies pursued at a national level. These include the major World Bank and International Monetary Fund, suiting the needs of poorer countries. International institutions have also been important for resolving conflicts and promoting the rule of law across the world.

The relationship between world politics and world economics is complex and dynamic. On the one hand, it has been an influential force pushing the development of more developed economies towards greater economic growth. At the same time, it has also been an anchor of instability and war. In these conditions, world politics continues to be the major driving force for development and economic modernization. Economists try to shed more light on this by looking into the relationships between political systems and economic development.

World economics and world politics continue to be interlinked. Both have been important drivers of societal development and political stability. With globalization, political globalization is sure to grow, complementing the other for a more unified and just world.

Congress Vs The President

The United States Congress is divided into two chambers: the House of Representatives, and the Senate. The Congress normally meets in session once in a year, usually during the first week in January. Congress vacillates between houses every four years. Congress can be considered to be an institution that represents the people and elected officials of the United States, or it may just be a legislature, which chooses which bills they are going to pass and that they are not. It is a legislative body, which decides what laws are made, and that laws are not made.

Congress is made up of both a House of Representatives, and a Senate, which each have their own committees and members. When a bill is passed out of one house of Congress, it goes to the other house for further consideration. If it passes both Houses, it goes back to the committees for more discussion before it becomes a law. Congress then reconvenes in session to again discuss and make laws. Each member of Congress has certain responsibilities to make sure that the Congress can operate properly, by passing all laws.

Congress also gives the president the power to sign some bills. The members of Congress can be impeached for impeaching themselves if they fail to do what the constitution says. If a president may veto a bill which is passed by Congress, the legislature will have to vote again on the bill, to remove the president’s authorization.

Congress keeps the United States government running smoothly with checks and balances, which separate the powers of the legislative and executive branches of government. Without Congress, there would be no checks and balances, and therefore no protection from the executive branch. The framers of the constitution put Congress in charge of the executive branch. If congress does not have enough votes to pass a bill, the president will then send it back to them for another round of voting. This is how our system of checks and balances works.

Since each house of Congress is responsible for many functions of government, many members serve dual purposes, which makes it difficult to remove a member from Congress. Each state also elects members of congress through special voting procedures. Elected members are required to take an oath of office to support the constitution and to uphold the laws of the country. Many states have separate systems when it comes to the election of members to congress.

Congress enacts laws through statutory language contained in the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, and the U.S. Congressional Budget. Congress writes annual budgets that help control the spending and control the national debt. Because members of Congress may be from different states, there are often cross district lines when it comes to legislating, so when there are issues between various districts, a candidate must win in every district that he or she will be a viable competitor for.

Politics In The Twentieth Century


Politics In The Twentieth Century

Politics is the study of governmental affairs, the application of collective political action to achieve a set goal, or the distribution of status or resources to those who earn them. Politics is often defined by its participants as a system of social interaction that excludes the behavior of individuals. The study of politics involves the study of politics as a process of societal organization and social construction. Politics has been called the study of public opinion, the control of popular consent, the shaping of political institutions, the use of force and weapons, and the political systems of nations. Politics is an essential component of the study of society. It is one of the most important dimensions of modern civilization and politics is unavoidable without a clearly defined political culture and identity.

Politics is the system of political actions that are motivated by competing interests or desires and which have the effect of shaping the nature of societal institutions, political activities and outcomes. Politics is the study of the relationships between individuals and the elements of political action. Politics is the study of political life and it is characterized by the negotiation of the various conflicting interests of the citizens of a polity. Politics is essentially a contest between forces within a polity. Politics is essentially the study of disputed notions and it is an endeavour to find agreement on these notions through negotiations and consensus-building.

Politics is the study of how politics shapes and impacts on human societies, political institutions and processes. Politics is the study of the political life of nations, and it is largely affected by politics in the public sphere. Politics is the study of how politics affect the members of a nation, and it is largely affected by politics in the private sphere. Politics is a branch of study that has many interrelated components and politics is basically a war between various groups of people. Politics is a field that is basically defined as the management of the common good through political institutions and has been theorized since the rise of the middle classes in the eighteen hundreds.

Two events shaped the study of politics in the twentieth century; World War I and World War II. World War I marked the beginning of the modern division of the world into East and West. The trench war at Ypres and the Armistice that ended the World War II brought home to the citizenry the horrific reality of war and how soldiers were willing to fight for a common cause in order to protect their communities from destruction. This understanding of the nature and necessity of politics inspired numerous political theorists including the thinker Karl von Clausewitz and the English philosopher John Locke. Their theories of politics laid the basis for the work of thinkers like International Relations theorists such as George Kennan and Henry Kissinger.

After the wars there was a profound growth in the number of political parties in the developed world. Politics became a prominent role in the social structure of the industrialized nations. There was a shift in the conception of politics as a system of principles rather than elite orators who had power and authority over the citizens of a nation. The twentieth century saw major changes in the political systems of most of the developed nations; major shifts in the balance of power between the political parties and major shifts in the balance of resources in the national political economy. The twentieth century also witnessed major changes in the conception of what was politics. Whereas earlier politics was understood as the arena of forces and men determined to dominate the society, politics – with its focus on man power – was new and different.

There was a profound debate between those who saw politics as a field of pure principle and those who saw politics as a field of human beings exercising their power and authority to shape their own society. The twentieth century saw major changes in the way power was organized and seized by the many actors in politics. The emerging concept of “ationalism” – whereby leaders were chosen from a small group of leaders – gave way to “centrarianism,” whereby leaders were chosen from a large group of elected leaders. The two events that occurred in politics during the twentieth century – the First World War and the Second World War – marked major changes not only in the nature of politics, but also in the understanding of how politics is shaped and exercised.

Comparative Politics and Globalization

World Politics

Comparative Politics and Globalization

World Politics is a very broad umbrella term which covers a lot of subtopics into two broad categories which are world politics and international trade. Global politics, also called global economics, refers to both the field which studies the economic and political patterns of the global region and the global political framework. At the heart of this field are the various processes of global political globalization as regards issues of national social influence. The major areas of research that have been largely influential in the development of modern global economics are political science, sociology, economics and business. There has also been significant input from the humanities, like the history of world literature, political theory, psychology and anthropology.

International trade is very much connected to world politics and the policies developed by different governments to encourage international trade and decrease barriers on trade. In most developed countries, there are substantial differences in the way policies for the protection of foreign investment are formulated, and these policies affect the domestic industries of the country in question. As a consequence, there are policy formulations and actions that diverge significantly from what would be found in a policy framework that was national. This divergence results in the creation of a complex set of terms like “world politics”, “international political economy” or “international political culture”.

Comparative political economy tries to bridge the gap between global economics and world politics by focusing on the analysis of similarities and differences between economies at the national level. A lot of systematic research in this area has been done over the past decades, which have helped us understand the nature of international trade. A similar level of analysis has been done using comparative approaches in world politics. It has been found that political systems have important effects on the processes of international trade.

International Political Economy tries to explain the relationship between globalization, international political system, international institutions, and the emergence of new regional, economic, and political powers. Comparative political science is used to examine how changes in political systems have affected the evolution of the world economy. The current growth and changes in the international relations and the institutions of world politics are the major reasons behind the recent globalization.

Comparative political science has been helpful in determining the causes of political globalization, explaining the emergence of new centers of growth across many regions of the world, and how such globalization affects the institutions of world politics. There are four broad theories that explain the development of international political economy: state protectionism, the endogenous nature of competition, liberalization, and globalization. The theory of state protectionism suggests that protectionist policies cause the emergence of monopoly interests, high levels of development, and globalization. According to the theory of endogenous competition, there is no way to force international organizations to coordinate with each other. On the other hand, liberalization is the process by which nations open their markets for global capital.

One other influential political theory on the globalization of world politics is globalization as a zero-sum game. This approach argues that because all values are simultaneously important to all people, the outcome of globalization depends on the extent of the differential importance of these values. The third theory of globalization according to the international organizations is the rise of international bureaucracy. This globalization occurs due to the rise of new administrative powers, liberalization, and globalization. The last theory, the universalizability of global processes, highlights the existence of a world perspective, a perspective that holds the interests of all people, irrespective of their national identities.

The Role of Congress in Regulating the Executive Branch


The Role of Congress in Regulating the Executive Branch

The United States Congress is both a bicameral and an elected body of government with powers derived from the United States Constitution and statutory law. Congress generally meets in session two times each year, once in the spring session and once in the fall. Congress generally convenes in both chambers once every calendar year. The Presidents’ Message of Intent are delivered to the Congress in January and July, respectively.

Congress also has concurrent legislative power over many executive branch agencies and cabinet departments. Congress provides spending authority for the executive branch through legislation. The congressional oversight committees can request reports and other documentation concerning the performance and costs of executive branch agencies. The courts appoint senior judges to the U.S. Court of Appeals, Supreme Court, Federal Trade Commission, and other courts. Congress authorizes federal agencies to prescribe rules and regulations governing health, education, workplace safety, consumer protection, tax, and other areas.

Congressional committees are usually made up of both Democrats and Republicans and there are 12 committees in each chamber of Congress. All committees need to report one report to the speaker of the House and the president pro tempore of the Senate at the end of each legislative session. Most committees are required to study and report extensively each bill that is presented to them for consideration. In all cases committees cannot hold hearings or mark up articles of legislation without first presenting such to the appropriate committees.

Congressional committees have certain lines of jurisdiction and are generally divided into four main categories: oversight, legislative management, policy making, and agency accountability and spending. Oftentimes oversight is exercised by committees of both parties since some committees often represent many different districts or states. Policy making involves the committees of both Houses and can be further divided between Labor, Republican, and Independent groups. Agency accountability deals with the activities of agencies within the House and Senate and includes oversight of agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission, Office of Management and Budget, and other agencies of government that exercise delegated authority. Since these are all important functions, it is crucial that members of Congress remain apprised of such activities in order to provide proper oversight.

One function of both Houses of Congress is holding hearings and mark up bills. These are referred to as judicial review of bills before they are voted on by the respective Houses. Judicial review is not a part of the legislative process itself, but rather a separate function that is exercised by various committees of Congress. There are also special committees of Congress that deal exclusively with certain budgetary, economic, or foreign-policy issues.

Since there are no restrictions on the frequency of Congress holding hearings and voting on bills, many members are able to become very well versed in the various issues that come up regarding their home state, sector, industry, or religion. This familiarity and comfort with local issues make members more likely to take a positive view on legislation coming from the executive branch. For example, members of Congress from rural areas are more likely to support a federal farm bill if they have lived in or are from a state that is highly dependent upon farming. Similarly, members of Congress who belong to districts that have a high Hispanic presence are more apt to support measures beneficial to the Hispanic community.

Power Tactic: Do Political Power Tactic And Soft Tactic Really Work In Politics?

Politics is the organized set of societal activities which are concerned with making collective decisions on behalf of citizens, including the distribution of status or resources, or both, in certain groups. The field of political science is known as social science because the studies it conducts are typically descriptive rather than predictive. This simply means that politics is concerned with the current state of society, rather than predicting what will happen in the future. Politics has been with us since the dawn of civilization, with some historians claiming that man first elected politicians to office.


Throughout history, kings and their lieutenants controlled political power. Kings would attempt to maintain order through an iron hand, exerting their will over conquered tribes, cities and individuals. Aided by the propaganda offered by their mouthpieces, the lieutenants were able to convince their subjects to submit to their rule and aid them in wars. Throughout history, this has remained as one of the most powerful influences in shaping global politics. Today, the modern workings of politics can be traced back to the efforts of the ancient monarchs to maintain their rule over their subjects.

The modern era witnessed a new form of political power being centralized in the form of the imperial throne. The tutelary kings who took the place of the older royal families exerted their will over their subjects by wielding absolute political power. By exerting their will, they tried to hold together the diverse cultural and religious groups that made up the various kingdoms. Although they held absolute power, they could not influence the masses as they had the previous. Thus, they needed to have a governing board to help them in governing the various areas of their influence, like the education of their subjects.

In this manner, the governing board was established to enforce the will of the ruler through the use of coercive tactics, which included the use of threats, the use of force, and even the enforcement of laws against those who did not toe the line. The educational reform movement during the twentieth century saw some major achievements in undoing the political clout of the absolute rulers. However, many were to point out that this was only partial, and that the total scope of coercive influence is yet unknown. Today, a similar situation is faced by educational institutes. There are no specific ways in which they can exert their will on their subject students, except for resorting to the use of threats of violence or coercion.

Since they lack the means to physically wield the carrot of rewards, they resort to using what is known as rewards and penalties to get their subjects to toe the line. However, they still have to realize that power tactics must be employed in conjunction with soft tactics to effectively carry out their agenda. Therefore, the question that arises is that how are the different forms of political influence to be differentiated? For instance, what are the different forms of political persuasion and soft tactics used? Can we differentiate between the two?

Politics has been used by all sorts of people and has been used by many generations of people, all through history. The bottom line is that politics is an interpersonal phenomenon where two or more individuals come together to form an opinion, base their decision on that opinion and reach a conclusion about that opinion based on that opinion. Where there is power in the equation, there are also inevitable conflict and resultant rewards and penalties.

Multidisciplinary Trends in World Politics

World Politics, also called world politics, refers to the political science that studies the historical patterns of the global political economy and the internal political structure of the world. In the center of this field are the various processes of global political globalization as a result of questions of global social hierarchy. This is coupled with the complex interactions among nations and their relation to each other. The political, economical and technological aspects have been discussed extensively in world politics.

World Politics

Comparative politics is an approach that studies major issues of world politics and international relations. It includes such areas as comparative political economy, comparative social science, comparative political science, comparative culture, and political systems. Comparative politics has also been referred to as diplomacy through the ages.

political science is an important component of international relations, which studies how power, organizations, information, and motivation to interact to affect political systems and outcomes. This field is vital in understanding world politics and world governments. It provides useful knowledge regarding the nature of international politics and the relationship between international organizations and governments, with an emphasis on how politics and international institutions shape the development of global markets, and how individuals and nations use and contribute to these markets.

Political theory is an important element of world politics. It studies how political institutions come into being, how they adapt to changing societies and cultures, and what political institutions, practices, and political power translate into in localities across the world. The study of political theory traces the development of political systems from ancient to modern times. This systematic research studies global political systems, the evolution of nation-states, national government, and international organizations. It also examines the relationships among these political systems and the effects that they have on the global political economy. The scope of this research focuses on political theory and the process of global political economy.

Globalization is the byproduct of nineteenth-century economic globalization. It is the culmination of increased political globalization, the internationalization of retail markets, and the integration of world markets. The sheer number of changes in the world politics since the twentieth century has created tremendous changes in the subject matter of world politics and international studies. In fact, the growth and changes in the globalization debate have created an extremely large demand for those who specialize in multidisciplinary political science and international studies.

Multidisciplinary political science and international studies are interdisciplinary in nature. Thus, it draws on theories and research methodologies from many different disciplines and intellectual traditions. In order to better understand the complex interactions that exist between world governments, political parties, and private sectors, it is necessary to study global politics. Multidisciplinary research is also important in studying world politics and the intricacies involved. Thus, political science and international relations offer excellent opportunities for scholars to develop relevant research projects.

How Does Congress Get Legislation Registered?


How Does Congress Get Legislation Registered?

The United States Congress is a bicameral legislative legislature of our national government and is made up of both houses of Congress. The Congress meets in session once in every legislative year, at the beginning of January each year. This session is also known as “session” because it is a one-year session. Each member of Congress may propose and pass bills to be considered for the next session. However, legislation which has already been passed by the House and Senate is not eligible for consideration by the members of Congress in session for a second time.

Each member of Congress has one vote. So, when a bill is passed by a House member and a Senate member to be added to the bill, it needs to have more than half of those members present in both chambers to agree in order for it to be passed. When more than half of the members are present and agree on a certain piece of legislation, it is then sent for a vote in both chambers. When all members of Congress agree on a bill, it is then sent to the President for his signature. (The President is required by law to sign any bill passed by Congress.)

In the United States, there are two different types of Congress: a general session and a special session. A general session occurs whenever a bill is passed by the House and Senate and signed by the President. Special sessions occur only a certain number of days every two years, at the end of which the bills are returned to the states for them to vote on or against. Bills that become law without being passed by the General Session are called “revenues” instead of “legislative bills”. Thus, revenue bills (which include taxes) are referred to as revenue bills.

In a General Session, all members of Congress are present and participate in the proceedings. Bills that become law during this session are referred to as “proposed laws” and those which are not passed become “revenues”. If a bill is passed during the session, it is sent back to the House or the Senate for reconsideration, where it is passed again before becoming a law. It then goes back to the States, where it is again passed by a final vote. If no final vote has been taken, the bill is then sent back to the House or the Senate for another final vote.

There are several different committees in both the Houses that have jurisdiction over many bills. The committees are controlled by the Speaker, the Minority Whip, and the Minority Leader. Each member has a list of “cosponsors”, which indicates whether they are favorably inclined towards a particular bill. The top member of a committee can introduce a resolution that attempts to put a hold on a bill (known as a cloture). A simple majority is all that is needed to pass a resolution.

On the other hand, if a majority of the members of Congress are against a bill, it simply will not be passed. The resolutions that are passed are referred to as “german amendments” after the members who sponsor them. German amendments are amendments that are attached to the main bill and require a super-majority in order for them to pass. Many members feel that this leads to little if any change in the final bill. For example, a bill that will have an oil spill, which would require spending billions of dollars, will be passed with a majority vote, but any attempts at changing that bill will fail.

An Introduction to the Study of Politics

Politics is the group of societal activities that are related to making decisions about economic activity, distribution of societal goods or status, or the distribution of political power. The field of political science is known as political science, and it studies government and politics. Political science is also an applied science that uses empirical methods to examine the social and political organizations. The areas of politics include; however, many different subfields exist.


The study of politics is complicated. The discipline of political science has become one of the most popular courses in colleges and universities. Politics, like science, is complicated because of its subjectiveness. In addition, politics is highly individualistic. There are countless different theories on politics, but only a few have been proven correct.

Politics has four main areas of research: public decision-making, political processes, public policies, and the sociology of politics. Public decision-making is an action that takes place through democratic processes at the local, national, regional, and federal levels. The public policies involve the development of national policies and their implementation. The political processes are actions and strategies that are implemented through the different political parties in political processes at the municipal, provincial, and national levels. Finally, the sociology of politics looks at the interactions of individuals who are part of the political parties.

Politics is a collection of ideas, with hundreds of thousands of individual theories and concepts. The core concept of politics is that power and authority come from the dispersed decision-making authority of the citizens. Therefore, politics is essentially contested, and each political activity is a contest. For instance, some claim that politics is essentially a contest between socialism and capitalism, and that there are inherent differences in the way these two political entities govern.

There are three key political concepts that every person should be aware of. First, there is voting; which is a way by which people make decisions about the future course of politics. Second, there is an election, which involves voting for people to hold certain positions in politics. Third, politics is a process, and politics can be studied as a whole, or politics can be divided into micro-level processes, such as processes within a national government, and macro-level processes, such as politics in international organizations. However, if you are going to study any political science class, these three concepts will be important to know.

Since politics has so many different theories and concepts, political scientists have sought to develop a unified theory of politics. Still, there are political scientists who are interested in developing different theories of politics, and trying to make these theories fit into an actual political system. Studying various theories of politics helps political scientists to understand how political systems work, and enables them to make better decisions about allocation of scarce political resources.

How Has International Political Economy Transformed?

Global politics, also referred to as world political economy, refers to both the field that studies the economic and political patterns of the globalized world and the inter-related political processes that go with these patterns. Within this broad field, there are three key theories that explain how political economies operate: classical economics; geo-political economy; and international institutionalism. In the study of classical economics, the theory of natural order states that a society’s goods, services and wealth are produced in the location where they are consumed or produced. The theory of geo-political economy maintains that political systems tend to maximize their own security through stable trade relationships and liberalization of local production and consumption policies. Finally, the theory of international institutionalism suggests that human beings adopt macroeconomic policies that promote the spread of political freedom and peaceful prosperity globally, while fighting off protectionist tendencies at the national level. These three theories together offer a comprehensive description of how world politics affect the global economy.

World Politics

Classical economists argue that the evolution of the world economy follows a pattern of progressive development that tends towards equilibrium and stability. Geo-political systems, on the other hand, are characterized by chaotic and inter-changing fluctuations of the state of play in world politics. Natural economic laws that maintain a sense of equilibrium are broken down and distorted by the forces of socio-political organization and conflict.

Geo-political systems generally exhibit a highly fluid and disperse distribution of power among political leaders and various political interests. This often leads to regional conflicts and a variety of international political struggles. The diffuse structure of world politics makes global economics more complex than the classical understanding of how the economy works. Political competition and diplomacy result in immense pressures to increase economic growth that can sometimes lead to severe distortion of these processes. Economic globalization has also posed great challenges to the functioning of international institutions such as the World Trade Organization and the European Union.

On the other hand, there is an opposite trend towards increasing economic inter-dependence and de-fusion in global trade. This has increased political influence at the national level and encouraged political experimentation and reforms. The recent past has also seen the European Union undergoes extensive political reforms that were implemented to ensure its economic welfare. The recent economic crisis in Europe has also helped to de-link the European Union from national perspectives and fuel national debates on how the crisis was caused in the first place.

Geo-political systems in the present world are characterized by great variation in their structure of values, goals, and relationships. There is a marked shift towards a regional focus in the international political arena. This has created great disparity between regions and communities across the world. At the international level, there is increasing pressure for greater cooperation and integration of nations. This has led to a shift of interests away from geo-political arenas towards economic issues and trade.

Today’s economic growth in Asia has helped Asian political systems to become more developed and open to the external world. However, this has been accompanied by major internal problems like corruption and poor leadership that have hindered progress. Geopolitics is changing dramatically as different political systems compete for economic opportunities. The future of human civilization is very unpredictable. The emergence of multipolarity – a change where there is a dominance of the major players but none of them dominates – is expected to lead to major shifts in the patterns of world politics.

How Does The US Congress Work?


How Does The US Congress Work?

Congress is an institution that is commonly referred to as the American legislative body. The United States Congress is a representative assembly of representatives of states, districts and states of incorporation. Congress also operates in tandem with the Executive branch of the government and is vested with certain constitutional powers. Congress delegates a specific number of days each year to the president of the United States to serve as the nation’s chief executive.

The United States Congress consists of both House of Representatives and the Senate and is bicameral in nature. Each chamber of Congress possesses its own jurisdiction over legislation and the legislative process. The members of Congress to determine how bills get passed through the legislative process through a complex system of voting and debate where each Senator and Representative are allowing a day to amendment their bills.

Every bill that comes before the U.S. Congress will require the approval of either a majority of voters in a general election or a super majority of state legislators before it becomes law. In the event that a bill passes both chambers of Congress and is signed by the President it then becomes a law. If the bill is disapproved by the President, it will need to be reintroduced in both Houses of Congress before becoming law. If it is passed in both Houses and is disapproved again by the President then it will need to be passed again in order for it to become law again. As long as it is passed by both houses it is legally binding on the American people.

The U.S. Congress has the power to either uphold or amend a bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate, however, only a two-thirds vote of both Houses is required for a bill to be enacted into law. The only time a bill is sent to a vote in the U.S. Congress it must be passed by a majority of both houses but cannot be changed from its original form without a subsequent majority vote. Each bill has to be passed with a two-thirds vote of both houses and every bill that become a law has to be re-approved with a super majority of two-thirds before becoming law. If a bill cannot pass with a simple majority of two-thirds of both Houses, then it has to be presented to a conference committee.

Conference committees are selected by the members of each house of Congress that are responsible for the formulation of bills. After each conference committee makes its recommendation to the members of Congress, the members must either approve or disapprove of such recommendations. Approval by the members of Congress results in a bill being passed into law and if such a bill becomes law it is also referred to a conference committee in which all members are expected to participate. The second procedure requires the concurrence of two-thirds of both Houses of Congress for any bill to become law.

The first article of the constitution of the United States Congress clearly states that the Congress must be composed of separate Houses. Therefore, no two houses of Congress can consist of more than one person. Each of the two houses may hold meetings in joint sessions at the beginning and end of each legislative session, but their actions have to be approved by a majority of both Houses of Congress and a majority of states as well. The role of both the Houses is very similar. They are not allowed to originate any bill that has not been authorized by the United States Congress, but once such a bill is introduced, it has to be passed by both Houses of Congress and the states as well for it to become a valid law.